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The South Carolina Drug Case Tool Kit serves as a “go to” guide for criminal law practitioners, assisting..
The South Carolina Drug Case Tool Kit serves as a “go to” guide for criminal law practitioners, assisting..
If you’ve been convicted of DUI or DUAC in South Carolina the DMV will suspend your Driver’s License. The goal of this post is to help you understand how to get your License back.
Generally speaking, there are three types of drug crimes in South Carolina; possession, possession..
Today’s we are discussing the consequences of a DUI conviction and Interlock Ignition Requirements in South Carolina. You may be required to install an Interlock Ignition Device for two reasons..
This week’s topic is the Administrative Driver’s License Suspension for a DUI arrest in South Carolina. An administrative driver’s license Suspension is different than a driver’s license suspension based on a DUI conviction..
Hello and welcome! We’ve started a blog to update the community about criminal defense law. Our blog will mostly cover DUI, domestic violence, and drug law..
A DUI arrest is a serious criminal charge, and you’ll need experienced criminal defense attorneys..
his is a copy of one of Cole Law Firm’s newest publications. It’s a sort of “consumer guide” for those who have been charged with DUI or who know someone who has been charged with DUI..
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